Asummary Newsletter You receive the most digestible legal doses every week directly in your Inbox Email Email GDPR cases where a DPIA impact analysis is required GDPR minutes AnaMaria Udriste November In the Official Gazette of Romania part I no. of October Decision no. of October regarding the list of operations for which the assessment of the impact on the protection of personal data is mandatory under the Regulation on the protection of personal data GDPR. When is a DPIA required According to this decision it is necessary to carry out a DPIA personal data protection impact analysis in the following cases a the processing of personal data in order to carry out a systematic and.
Comprehensive assessment of the personal aspects related to natural persons Country Email List which is based on automatic processing including the creation of profiles and which is the basis of decisions that produce legal effects on the natural person or that similarly affect him to a significant extent b largescale processing of personal data regarding racial or ethnic origin political opinions religious confession or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership geneticnatural person health data the sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person or personal data related to criminal convictions and offences c.
The processing of personal data with the aim of systematic largescale monitoring of an area accessible to the public such as video surveillance in shopping centers stadiums markets parks or other such spaces d largescale processing of personal data of vulnerable persons especially minors and employees through automatic means of monitoring andor systematic recording of behavior including in order to carry out advertising marketing and publicity activities e largescale processing of personal data through the innovative use or implementation of new technologies especially if the respective operations limit the ability of the data subjects.